The search for the home that will be just right for you, is often arduous, and frustrating. Indecisiveness runs rampant through a seeker’s mind.

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Shelley Barnes

As time passes, memories ebb and flow like ocean waves,even sometimes like an unexpected tsunami. They sometimes appear foggy and sometimes crystal clear.

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Shelley Barnes

I’m not afraid or concerned that someone discovers the lie. Only the self imposed personal sting of compunction caused by my living the lie.

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Shelley Barnes

The form taken by our our conditions, whether of body or circumstance, depends on the form taken by our thoughts and feelings, and our thoughts and feelings will take form from the source which is allowed to them according to our openness and acceptance level.

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Shelley Barnes

The event occurred on a day like many other days. The sky was dark, but the air was calm. I was agitated. I don’t know why I was agitated. I started thinking and it occurred to me it was from a dream I had two nights ago that was now coming back to haunt me.

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Shelley Barnes

Steeped in the heritage of Judaic value of human life and inculcated in the young men of the Israeli Defense Forces, impossible decisions must be made in battle.

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Shelley Barnes

Remember to get my tea, pressed suit and toiletries ready for me this morning. Make sure my car is charged and ready to roll.

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Shelley Barnes

She was barely forty and he pushing early seventies. They turned heads when entering a room, flowed on the dance floor, laughed together even before finishing their first martini, practiced yoga together.

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Shelley Barnes

Beauty is skin deep; How many times have we heard this age old adage? How often do we forget to ponder its meaning in our relationships?

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Shelley Barnes

What is the worth of a grain of sand? How important are 5000 grains? 100,000? 1,000,000? Don’t they and many more collectively make up a beach.

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Shelley Barnes