I’m not afraid or concerned that someone discovers the lie. Only the self imposed personal sting of compunction caused by my living the lie.
What really is a lie in this context .Is it an out right falsehood intended to deceive? Or is it as benign as giving the impression of something that you know not to be fully true. So does the lie take on a life of its own as people repeat and embellish the impressions given.
Lying like this is similar to a termite larvae burrowing into a wood structure and weakening the foundation of the individual; like a deformed butterfly emerging from a cocoon, flying and spreading these falsehoods on its wings over the social landscape.
Individual compunction often surfaces and haunts the individual knowing he/she is living a lie; but once the genie has been released from its bottle,it is virtually impossible to get it to again incarcerate itself.
Be brave; Simply Fess Up!
Wayne Lazarus