
Hamsa is often represented by an ornament depicting an open hand. Many wear this ornament as jewelry around the neck.

In many cultures, the Hamsa has been used to ward off the dangers of the “evil eye”. What is the evil eye? Some say it is the disdain cast upon a person by an observer due to a persons excessive pride or jealousy.

Like so many things in this world such as mythology, there is a vague truth to it.The seeker moves beyond the symbolic and cultural explanation to uncover its roots.

Some say Hamsa is the divine bird of God.

When God breathes out the term “ham” It creates the world from the hatching egg(whether it is a brown or white or cage free egg is inconsequential) creating all of the galaxies, and planets in the universe.

When God inhales the sound “sa”It restores all creation to It’s original unity.

Breathing out as referenced in Sanskrit(ancient language of India) is referred to as Brahma the Creator. Vishnu is the term for holding It’s breath and
being the Preserver. When It exhales the reference is Shiva, the Destroyer.

Interesting to note, that in the Jewish religion when someone dies the family “sits Shiva”. The deceased has in effect been destroyed on this earthly plane.

Just a few ponderings!

Wayne Lazarus

Shelley Barnes