
My intuition monitor, has alerted me to the fact that I have offended you.

I have been told my actions, occasionally, are insensitive and my jokes overly sarcastic . I usually view this as a form of humor, although that is not the way others may apparently see it.

Examples of inappropriate conduct in speech and action on my part toward you, I have been thinking, is some of the poems that I wrote. Of course, I did not mean these in a malicious way, only in my mind humorous and of course kidding.

Additional examples of inappropriate conduct, was my saying to you that I intended to date other women and that I don’t want to form a long-term relationship. I have modified my view on these issues.

Since Phyllis died, I have been periodically mentally in a state of flux. It’s as if I am floating on a raft in the night on a slow moving river, without a rudder.

I’m gradually getting to the point that I feel more peace and relaxation. I think this state of mind, caused statements and actions that were offensive to you.

Everyone I’ve talked to about you say you are a “great person”. No one has said anything negative about you. I concur with these evaluations.

I am not writing this, seeking forgiveness. I am writing this because I want you to know how I feel, and that I wish to remain friends.

I don’t expect a response, but I do want you to know the way I feel.

Your Friend,

Wayne Lazarus

Shelley Barnes