By the title you may think I am referring to whether the human race is the only expression of consciousness throughout the universe.
That would be a credible and valid assumption given this persistent question plaguing humanity.
However, I’m referring to whether the supreme consciousness, let’s call this God or Source Creator(I think you now have an idea where I’m going), has basically set this earthly plane as well as the remainder of the universe into action and has now withdrawn and is on a sabbatical.
I think not! Humanity was created with free will. Humans must make their own decisions good or bad and live with them.
Creator established the “rules of engagement” between the Holy Realm and Its creation of humanity. There is a “hard and fast” rule that Creator will not interfere with humanities free will.
Wait! However,there is an exception and that is through sincere focused prayer. In certain circumstances, Creator will act to grant certain individual requests and the healing of humanity in general.
Free will, through sincere and focused prayer opens the threshold and invites Creator’s assistance.
Healing from what you may ponder?
Making decisions and causing actions, good and bad, throughout numerous lifetimes involves a balancing act setting into motion through Karma ,retribution,reward,punishment e.g. Think of it as being on a seesaw as a child playing with a friend. The objective is to reach stasis.
Humanity is getting closer to stasis, but has a significant journey remaining. Could the solution be earnest prayer?
Wayne Lazarus