Is it a force ordained by God that helps us grow into a higher state of consciousness thus strengthening spirituality . How does this work? Maybe through our free will rejecting evil acts and temptations.
Maybe causing us to think, love and act God’s way. We are God’s instruments.
The dual forces of good and evil give Soul(you and me)the chance to learn what it takes to become a co-worker with God someday in this infinitesimal journey home.
Life on earth(where we are inside a coarse vibratory incubator) is like a circus where we are always performing every act in a closed
ring. Karma is the balancing force within that ring.
The closed ring is perpetuated by reincarnation until Soul achieves balance and enlightenment.
Beyond good and evil is the pure concentrated spiritual force, which paves the way to form a union with God( whose essence is conscious sound and light).
Wayne Lazarus