Recently, I started writing and at first labeled the them poems.
However they were some sort of hybrid between poems and prose.
I then coined the phrase “poetic aphorism”. I have written this poetic aphorism for you for your 73rd birthday.
He cruised at a moderate pace through the avenues of Quitman, often passing by the 1892 remodeled courthouse and the exclusive chicken house.
His mode of transportation was a mechanize device converted by him into a scooter, with a wooden box carrying case adhered to the back.
Rumor has it he carried contraband but no one can confirm this. I suspect this was an urban legend even though Quitman at that time was definitely not an urban community.
The scooter man was ingenious, entrepreneurial, and articulate. His speaking skills not only entertained Quitmanites over the airwaves for years, but enabled him to be a master debater.
As recollection serves me, the scooter man was always engaged in something positive and respected by all.
This has followed him throughout his life, not only on the political scene but in the literary arena as well.
Even though our paths have not crossed that often since high school, a better friend one could not ask to have.
Wayne Lazarus