Follow the science” often means “follow the scientists,” an important distinction. Scientists are human, and therefore predictably unpredictable as well as prone to personal biases. Often their postulates, acceptable at the time, may later be proven fallacious. “Follow the herd”. A Canard?

An example of science being wrong and corrected is when Copernicus proposed the heliocentric model of the universe during the 16th century (the sun as the center of the solar system).Before that, it was the geocentric model of the universe(the earth as the center of the solar system). Scientific knowledge changed based on new observations and discoveries and QUESTIONING
by an inquiring mind.

Steadfast reluctance to shuck off or question the traditional and blindly accept postulates, stymies revealing truths which when discovered become new axiomatic scientific postulates, until proven otherwise by the open minded questioner.

Follow the science is tantamount to blindly following the pied-piper!

The alarm clock is ringing-wakey wakey rise and shine.

Wayne Lazarus

Wayne Lazarus