Where is the origin of all those mentally meandering thoughts and visions.
Are they stimulated by daily experiences with a mixture of stressful and or pleasurable moments?
Is the source of this Dream Stream from our past, could it be our future?
Could they be a glimpse into our metaphysical strata?
The Dream Stream can carry very poignant messages if only the dreamer can recall and analyze the symbolism floating in the Dream Stream.
Floating on the Dream Stream in a mental raft can be a form of out of body experience, engendering enlightenment and spiritual direction.
It can also act as a purification of the mind ridding it of mental trash accumulated during the day.
Without the cleansing effect of the Dream Stream, mental trash can build like a stalagmite clogging and interfering with the brain’s processes.
Just maybe Dream Streams cleanse spiritually,elevate and soften karmatic accumulations and stabilizes us as sentient beings.
Wayne Lazarus