There is an inner force in you, that if trusted, will point you in the right direction throughout life.
It’s like dancing. Letting the music sound waves dictate your movements. However, you must create your own sound waves!
You ask how! It is simple to state, but difficult to develop the stamina and fortitude to dance through life.
You have to choreograph your own dance steps. Again you ask how?
You must visualize ethical worthy goals in your mind’s eye. This characteristic is required to activate the forces of the universe to coalesce around your visual mold.
The process,as stated earlier, is simple but requires persistence. The three step(don’t confuse this with the two step) process starts with a thought, then sincere and intense feeling about your goal, and lastly action.
An underlying ingredient for best results,just like dancing, is proceeding to your goal with an absence of stress.
You go girl-Dance, Dance,Dance.
Wayne Lazarus